We are happy to say that we have chosen a new name for our new beginning together. From now on, we will be known as Mountainview Christian Fellowship. We chose the name to reflect our commitment to serving our neighbourhood, but also for some good spiritual reasons.
There are many times in the Bible when God takes people up to a mountaintop to get His perspective on things. From the giving of the 10 Commandments to the Great Commission, it seems that the view from the top of the mountain is part of what God wants for us. It helps us to look further, beyond the distractions of everyday life, to focus on the things that are going to continue to matter, like following God's guidance, and sharing His story.
Soon we will have a new website and a new logo, and all the things that go with our new identity as a blended church. Exciting things are happening. It's a great time to get involved, and to start sharing the view from the Mountain with us.