Everyone is welcome to join our connect groups for fellowship, bible study and prayer time. Please contact the leader for detailed information about zoom connection and/or confirming dates as many of our groups will be on summer break.
Tuesdays @ 7:15-9:00 PM - 1 & 2 Thessalonians Meeting via Zoom. For more info contact Sean: seano1961@gmail.com or 236-866-3517 - ON PAUSE UNTIL THE NEW YEAR
Thursdays @ 7:00-9:00 PM every second and fourth Thursday of the month. Led by Pierson Lowe. In person only, meeting for a devotion and time of prayer. For more info please contact Lennie: helenatse23@gmail.com or 778-233-9719
Thursdays @ 12:30-2:30 PM: meeting in person on the second and fourth Thursday of the month in the Conference Room downstairs in the church building. For more info please contact Doug Graham: 778-952-4766