Did you know…
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)
Ruth Morton Baptist Church’s Sunday School is in fact older than the church itself, having been established in 1911. From its inception, it was understood that the church’s growth and sustainability was rooted in God’s work in His young people. From 1938 to 1953, under the leadership of Pastor Howard Phillips, Ruth Morton’s Sunday School grew fourfold to 600 in attendance, one of the largest in Western Canada at the time.
Throughout its long history, the children of the church learned from able and dedicated teachers the character and Word of God and grew to love Him in such a way that in time they themselves became the church’s leaders and went on to become teachers, deacons, pastors, professors, missionaries and Godly parents. Many of the leaders in our church today are living tributes to the legacy of this church’s Sunday School.
Of course, kids had fun too, and church life was rich with clubs, camps, and choirs. Lifetime bonds of friendship were established through the High School Young People and College and Career groups and the many camps held at Point Roberts.
For decades, Christian Service Brigade and Pioneer Girls shaped the lives of the young men and ladies of the church. Boys grew “2 Men” and we watched girls “Meeting God.” The Junior Church, under creative leadership, taught our children to become Adventurers, Navigators, SonSeekers and ROCKidz.
In our 100th year, we celebrate the service of the teachers and youth leaders of this church, and praise God that He has placed His hand over the little children.