“Moved by Bro. W.J Scott that we proceed on the above plan 2nd by M.W. Colwell. Carried. Moved by O.J. Benedict 2nd by B.M. Colwell that our Pastor & Bro. Scott turn the first sod tonight Carried. Moved we adjourn by Bro. G.H. Colwell 2nd by Mrs G.H. Reid. Carried. The Congregation the retired outside the tent where our Pastor and Bro. Scott turned the first sod & prayer was offered by Bro. Scott after which we joined in singing the Doxology.”
July 3 / 12: 13 members were added --
“ Moved by Bro. Geo. H. Thompson 2nd Bro. Davidson that Mrs. E.D. Steeves, Mr. & Mrs. John Fletcher, Dorothy & Mis A.W. Peck, Mr. & Mrs E.W. Westcott, Mrs W.H. Taylor, Mrs Ralph King, Miss Edith, Miss Anne, Mr Ralph & Mr Cinst King be received as members of the church & be given the right hand of fellowship on Sunday next. Carried.” Followed by four members added on July 31st and one more on September 25th.
From the photo from my last blog you can read that the church building was ready for occupancy at the end of September.
October 2nd: four more members added and the it must have been getting cold in the building –
“Moved by Deacon Scott 2nd by Deacon Colwell that the Finance Committee be authorized to get a furnace. .. Carried.”
Five more were accepted into membership on October 30th. November 26th two more brothers applied for membership.
January 29th: “The Annual Business meeting of the church was held on the above date at the close of a short prayer service with our Pastor in the chair. Minutes of the previous meeting read & approved, Our Pastor stared on account of some not being present because of hard walking it might be well to postpone part of the important business until another night. Moved by Deacon Scott 2nd Bro. G.H. Reid that we adjourn all business possible until Feby 12th. Carried.” And that is why our AGM is now in February.